‘Common Cause’ joins hands with Team Anna against graft

Common Cause, a public interest organization, has decided to join hands with Team Anna to make its July 25 indefinite strike a success. The organization said it will launch its anti-corruption logo, which has been designed by the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad at Jantar Mantar on Wednesday.

"Corruption is essentially an illicit transaction between two parties. The hand symbols in our logo covey the idea of 'giving' and 'taking' and the superimposition of the red negation sign conveys the sense of a strong opposition against these corrupt transactions," a spokesperson of Common Cause said.

Arvind Kejriwal, member of the Team Anna, will lead the agitation this time because social activist Anna Hazare is not keeping well. "We have already received about 4,000 online registration from across the country, who are willing to fast with Arvind Kejirwal, Manish Sisodia and Gopal Rai," said Ashwati Muralidharan, IAC's media co-ordinator.